Well, I just finished my 3 day COS (close of service) medical appointment to make sure I'm not going back to the States with any weird medical conditions, and I've passed with flying colors! I don't leave just yet, but we have to do this within a few weeks of leaving. The last few days have been filled with dentist, doctor, and medical lab appointments, as well as a final interview with the Peace Corps Nicaragua director. Now I'm stuck here for another few hours waiting for my exit interview with the Environment Program director. So instead of finishing watching the 6th season of Modern Family, I figured I'd write in here again :)
I've made it my goal these last few weeks in country to start taking pictures with community members I've grown close to over the last two years. I had planned on taking them all before heading to Managua this week to be able to print them out to give as gifts, but I kind of dropped the ball on that. It's also hard to take a bunch of pictures with different people when stopping by to take one usually involves spending at least 45 minutes sitting and talking before even taking the picture. So, here are some of the pictures I've taken so far, with more to come!
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