Monday, August 3, 2015


Well, it’s been a while since I’ve written in here!  As my service is winding down, my technology has been slowly giving up as well, and my laptop has been in the process of being fixed for going on two months now.  Anyways, besides not having an easy way to type things like blog post up at home, I have been really enjoying the last few months since I have written in here! I went to Costa Rica again, I’ve finished my Stove/Oven grant and have continued to build ovens funded by other means, and have been overall enjoying life.  I’ve only been sick once since the last time I wrote in here (I’m still getting over a nasty cold/sinus infection), but being sick once in 3 months isn’t that bad for me here!  My sister Jessica came and visited, making her the 5th member of my family to visit me (or in the case of my Uncle Kevin and Aunt Betsy, I visited them).  I’ve undergone PT on my bad knee, and have just spent a lot of time hanging out with people in and around my site!

         For such a long time today has seemed like it was far on the horizon.  I just got to the Peace Corps office for my COS conference.  For those of you who are not savvy on the government/Peace Corps acronyms, COS stands for Close of Service.  It’s the beginning of the end.  It’s when we have our final language proficiency interviews (I’m hoping for advanced), when we present what we have done during our service to the US ambassador to Nicaragua and PC staff, and get a whole bunch of post-Peace Corps information thrown at us.  They put us up in nice hotels, including 2 nights at a beach front resort (your tax dollars hard at work J ), and the sub-director has us over for dinner at his really nice house!  While I’m super excited to be spending time with all of my friends here, it’s signifies that my time here will be coming to a close in just a few short months.  I was even tearing up a little on the bus ride down here this morning.  I’d love to write more, but I’m in an office full of people in my group I haven’t seen in a while!  So I’ll end this with a few pics!
Traveling with Jess!

San Juan del Sur!


Costa Rica with my friend Jen Rowley!