Friday, February 28, 2014

My life in Pictures

         Instead writing about my past few weeks, I figured I’d let some pictures with captions do the talking.

We got a piglet!

 It would have been welcome to the family, but unfortunately I have to change it to RIP Mariposa.  You escaped the rough life of most dogs in Nicaragua.  (I hope preceding this with a cute pig made this one a bit better….?)

 Classes get cancelled a lot here for whatever reason with little to no warning (quite a change from back home…nothing short of the pending apocalypse would have kept my high school superintendent from calling classes).   Sometimes, however, it’s nice to make the most out of the situation and go for an awesome hike with some Peace Corps friends!

I made tree nurseries with my two schools!

I was hiking around the ecolodge near my site the other day and got within 4 feet of a sloth!! Didn’t have a camera with me though…

   It is much more acceptable here just toss any trash you have on the ground.  It will be a big project trying to change this habit in my students!  That being said, I got really excited yesterday to see a group of people in my community collecting trash.  I quickly grabbed my camera and joined in!

 Unfortunately, all of the trash was then burned in several piles.  There is no trash collection here, so I regularly smell burning plastic…yum!  That being said, it’s still nice to see groups of community members doing something about the trash problem.  One step at a time!

  And just for good measure, here’s a dog with unproportionately large ears.  (And for the Sawbill Crew: Imagine Roy with those ears!) 

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Texts I find myself sending to other PC volunteers

  •       I was just walking back from bathing in the river and saw someone using a refrigerator as a punching bag. I’m pretty sure that would win him the fight on the intimidation factor alone.

  •         I was just showering in the dark and didn’t realize there was a chicken at my feet until a good minute into the shower when it clucked and walked away.  The things that would have surprised me 2 months ago...
  • My shower
  •       As soon as I thought things couldn’t get any weirder I see the town drunk dancing with a dog in the intersection.  The thing was…they both weren’t half bad.
  •        I just had some guy in the street starting singing and dancing Gagnum Style to me.  I think he was a bit confused what country/language that song is actually in.
  •        I just made a kid cry on a bus just by looking as her. I wish I could say that’s the first time that’s happened...
  •         I love how when I tell my host family I’m going to do something with a girl I kind of like they tell me we’re going to get married. 
  •         I’m currently on a school bus that was actually hired to in take kids somewhere… imagine that! (Old school busses are the main form of public transportation here).
  •       The girl next to me on the bus has a tied up sack of chirping chicks.  I’ve seen a sack of piglets tied to the ladder on the back of a bus, but this one’s a first.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

All in the Family

I just got back from quite the weekend!  I won't go into too much detail, but will say it was GREAT to see my Aunt Betsy and Uncle Kevin in San Juan del Sur Nicaragua.  They have been vacationing down here since 2007, and I have wanted to visit them since I graduated high school every time they've come down. I've always seen their pictures, but had never been able to make it down there.  Thanks to Peace Corps, this year they were only $8 and six-seven hours away on a bus.  For 2 days they treated me to great food and a great time in general! We watched the Superbowl in a restaurant bar that at high tide was about 10 feet from the water, and was able to go float around at sunset when the game really started to go downhill.  Basically, I just wanted to publicly say thanks to them, and that I had an amazing time! I can't wait for my parents to get down here next month!  Here are a couple of pictures.

My uncle and I where we watched the Superbowl

My aunt and I on Playa Hermosa collecting sand dollars

Me floating around before halftime